Keep it simple — code in asm


1. About this site

This site was created with the main goal to promote assembly programming.

It clearly demonstrates that the assembly written programs have huge advantages compared with any other programming language.

Also, this site will provide documentation and articles related to assembly language programming.

On this site, you can browse some of my projects, download the source code, read some articles and understand how powerful language is assembler.

The most of my projects are application programs, not system programs. Also, recently, the most of them are portable applications, running natively in Windows and Linux operating systems.

Actually the engine of this site is also created in assembly language - the CMS (content management system) MiniMagAsm. It is open source, so you can use it for your projects as well.

Another my web project is the amazing forum software AsmBB. Also written in assembly language, it is probably the lightest and the fastest forum software in the world. ?wink

All my assembly language programming happens in the Fresh IDE. Also my project with some help from the community, this is the best IDE for programming in FASM.

As a part of the IDE, there is a portable library that allows creating assembly programs, portable across different OSes.

2. About me

My name is John Found.

I have other interests besides programming. They all are related to the technology - electronics, mechanics, physics. I am also big fan of the "do it yourself" movement.

I am working on a big production factory where I design the electronics and programs of various industrial machinery. My work is very interesting and you can be jealous, because my hobby is my profession. ?wink

To contact me about this site, assembly programming or any of my projects use the comment system of the site, or following e-mail: johnfound at asm32 dot info

Last modified on: 08.10.2018 13:53:26



:)weld el9a7ba ( 06.08.2024 23:25:15 UTC ) :


:)Great ( 30.06.2024 18:43:23 UTC ) :


:)John ( 13.01.2024 18:04:33 UTC ) :


:)dan ( 09.01.2024 21:53:29 UTC ) :

Nice 🍌

:)Дон Реба ( 07.01.2024 14:02:15 UTC ) :

джонка, форума се счупи, виж го ако четеш тук

:)jostkiy ( 18.10.2023 14:47:39 UTC ) :

ya tut

:)a ( 18.10.2023 14:47:15 UTC ) :


:)Lil Jacob ( 31.05.2023 19:17:15 UTC ) :


:)fds ( 04.05.2023 17:24:48 UTC ) :


:)asdf ( 04.05.2023 17:23:50 UTC ) :


:)gfgdfg ( 04.05.2023 11:33:17 UTC ) :


:)fsdfds ( 04.05.2023 11:29:29 UTC ) :


:)dsfdsf ( 04.05.2023 11:25:27 UTC ) :


:)dfsdffdsfdsf ( 04.05.2023 11:23:59 UTC ) :


:)where is everyone ( 04.05.2023 11:21:27 UTC ) :

hi everyone

:)fbel ( 23.11.2022 14:38:58 UTC ) :

... no update since Feb 22....

:)fbel ( 23.11.2022 14:38:02 UTC ) :

is Fresh IDE project dead ?

:)ScottGaure ( 06.11.2022 20:25:47 UTC ) :

Сайт который должен быть в закладках у любого дачника <a href=></a>

:)jeff ( 29.06.2022 13:44:21 UTC ) :

A group of supporters are trying to support asmbb  forum. Can you contact "john found"

:)Connies ( 20.05.2022 12:45:18 UTC ) :

Публикуване на статия на вашия сайт "здравей,

Щастлив ден на теб. За нас е удоволствие да се свържем с вас, ако ни накарате да ви представим прекрасна тема, която може да привлече вниманието ви. Темата ще бъде свързана с темата на вашия сайт и желаете да имате връзка dofollow към нашия уебсайт, отнасяща се до сайта за казино/спортни залагания или обикновена връзка. Моля, посочете и категорията и цената, ако разгледате нашата оферта.

Забележка: Ако желаете да предложите повече сайтове, моля, дайте им цена и изпратете.

В очакване на вашия отговор.

За разбирането."

:)Ninja ( 05.03.2022 01:04:26 UTC ) :

I've always wanted to get into low-level and embedded development. Yes, I'm jealous. High-level development is just too "safe" and bearing.

I want control. I want power. TRUE POWER!

:)Uchkun ( 03.03.2022 10:31:42 UTC ) :

Not bad

:)Avaz ( 14.01.2022 15:54:58 UTC ) :

Are you still alive? ?wink

:)Avaz ( 14.01.2022 15:52:21 UTC ) :

Qoyil, gap yo'q, John Found web saytga gap yo'q.

:)alex ( 21.11.2021 10:17:59 UTC ) :

hello, world!

:)Chris Peachment ( 11.07.2021 20:28:22 UTC ) :

Hi John: It has been several years since I was active on your asmbb site and I am now looking at the MiniMagAsm CMS. I've cloned the repository and the FreshLib repository. I've also cloned the Fasm repository. I note there is a set of compiled files in the minimagasm/www directory. The index.cgi executable works but save/save.cgi crashes. When I try to use the following compile instruction on Debian 10 Linux (x64):

export TargetOS=Linux; export lib=/home/chris/www/fresh/freshlib; fasm minimag.asm

I get a syntax error on line 5.

A similar instruction for save.asm reports out of memory.

These are not errors I would expect for code that has been in use for a decade, so I assume I am doing something wrong.

I don't want to install your MS-Windows IDE, even under Wine, so I am looking for guidance on a command line install instruction.

Thanks and regards,


:)Koleto ( 22.08.2020 19:57:50 UTC ) : is showing 502 bad gateway.

:)test ( 29.05.2020 09:47:04 UTC ) :

nice job

:) ( 24.04.2020 02:12:09 UTC ) : is showing 502 bad gateway.

:)Bender ( 05.02.2020 12:01:56 UTC ) :

Къде изчезна? Защо те няма във форума ?

:)eo ( 10.06.2019 09:32:33 UTC ) :

Hi, does author of this assembly written website have any manuals/tutorials, about how he managed to create this?

:)semprelibera ( 31.01.2019 15:06:16 UTC ) :

Спешна нужда от помощ за една задача на Асемблер. Моля,който има желание да се свърже.СПЕШНО :)))

:)purjola ( 24.09.2018 17:52:10 UTC ) :

Вземи оправи типографията да ти е: 16px or 1em or 100% or 12pt or 1.6rem

:)CASCASCSAC ( 23.09.2018 23:18:15 UTC ) :


:)rip ( 08.08.2018 09:32:20 UTC ) :


:)art_zh ( 13.04.2018 21:19:16 UTC ) :

Hi JohnFound, 5 years ago your Fresh ideas inspired me to develop the non-scalable vector fonts for KolibriOS. This project demonstrates there's nothing impossible in Asm world. You're doing a historically great job.

:)John Found ( 13.04.2018 15:50:38 UTC ) :

And after learning the language itself, you can play with the sources of MiniMagAsm (from this website) and with AsmBB from

:)John Found ( 13.04.2018 15:48:54 UTC ) :

asmGIiL ( 07.04.2018 14:41:48 UTC )

hi, can you explain to me where can I learn about assembly web programming?

Well, there is not so many sources and books. But you can download Fresh IDE and then try to compile and run some of the examples. There are also some help files bundled with the IDE - FASM compiler reference, x86 instruction set reference, Linux system calls, etc.

By reading these references and experimenting with the sources should be enough for starting because assembly language is actually pretty easy. With simple rules and straightforward syntax.

:)asmGIiL ( 07.04.2018 14:41:48 UTC ) :

hi, can you explain to me where can I learn about assembly web programming?

I think it's very cool to write it all in assembly language.

:)sdf ( 10.03.2018 21:19:09 UTC ) :


:)John Found ( 02.11.2017 10:12:49 UTC ) :

The commenting system is enabled again. All spamming bots are filtered.

:)John Found ( 23.01.2017 10:45:28 UTC ) :

Lefsha ( 19.01.2017 15:17:07 UTC ) :

Check our web site and lets talk

It looks interesting, but what is your web site?

:)Lefsha ( 19.01.2017 15:17:07 UTC ) :

Hi, John! I like your style in programming and the way you think. We are working on a MOCVD related project and would need some one who is can write a controlling software for it. You know all these PLC etc. It should work remotely. I could provide you a VM image to see how it works now. It's a kick ass high-tech what we are doing. Check our web site and lets talk. Find me on skype or email. Thx

P.S. Can't speak Bulgarian yet :-) Rus,Ger,Eng

:)John Found ( 04.01.2017 14:18:38 UTC ) :

James Hallaway

Dear John, which language is a native for you?



sqlite на самом деле лучше, чем вам кажется.

Это конечно правда. Только здесь на "" SQLite нет. Только на "".

Этот сайт работает на MiniMagAsm, которая использует текстовые файлы. Это намного быстрее, но MiniMagAsm работает на CGI и не держит хорошо нагрузки.

:)Dampire ( 03.01.2017 14:37:14 UTC ) :

sqlite на самом деле лучше, чем вам кажется. Посмотрите, целый хабр не может положить ресурс несмотря на лютый ddos. Конечно заточенная под ресурс субд всегда будет быстрее, но это лишняя трата времени - как впрочем и сам проект.

:)Armanx64 ( 03.01.2017 10:59:41 UTC ) :

Слабое место — база данных. SQLite не предназначен для таких задач и нагрузок, и SQL как промежуточный язык тоже съедает достаточно заметную долю процессора. Решение — написать замену в виде простого хранилища на ассемблере, но сколько времени это займёт — не знаю.

:)James Hallaway ( 02.01.2017 19:26:35 UTC ) :

Dear John, which language is a native for you?

:)x\zx ( 23.03.2016 14:52:15 UTC ):


:)Serge ( 03.02.2016 18:08:36 UTC ):


In early 2000s, I saw the Win32 app writen in ASM, working fast and having nostalgic look. I thought its author was unheard as prophet.

You show that ASM can shake the internet, that nostalgic look is nice readable, and that ASM programmers think clean. Thank You very much !

:)John Found ( 01.09.2015 20:06:00 UTC ):

А, ясно. Мислил съм си за RSS, обаче така и не се наканих да го имплементирам (Макар че, да лесно е). Реално, лог страницата на сайта е нещо подобно, но не във формата за RSS или Atom.

Дали ще го направя? Може би, но вероятно няма да е скоро. Ако някой има желание да го напише, ще го включа в проекта и даже ще помагам с консултации. :)

:)Тесногръдо плямпало ( 01.09.2015 16:53:09 UTC ):

Не е жаргон. Така умните глави са превели съвсем официално емисиите по RSS и/или Atom. Без такава емисия е невъзможно да бъдеш следен в реално време. А е изключително лесна за направа. Много по-лесна от HTLM.

:)John Found ( 01.09.2015 08:33:38 UTC ):

Тесногръдо плямпало

Къде под ягодите е хранилката???

Ъ-ъ-ъ? Туй е някакъв жаргон, дето не го разбирам...

:)Тесногръдо плямпало ( 31.08.2015 22:34:30 UTC ):

Къде под ягодите е хранилката??? Що за дневник е това, щом няма? Несериозно е така, още повече, щом сам си си писал машинката.

:)manolote ( 08.01.2015 04:52:12 UTC ):

i want to learn assembler by remember prog. history


I'm very impressed! Драсни, просто за да осъществим контакт.

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